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Skin-care moisturizing series 价格:

Camellia oil - "Oriental liquid gold"; Silk protein - "the second skin of the human body"; Squalane - a skin repair barrier. We use polymer bioengineering technology and cellulose fiber spinning technology to blend the extracted camellia oil, silk protein, squalane essence with natural cellulose, weaving fiber can be skin friendly, comfortable, moisture absorption, antibacterial and bacteriostatic. At normal temperature, it helps the skin retain a certain humidity, and the sweat and heat will be quickly distributed in summer. It can nourish and protect the skin naturally

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Product List Camellia Papolis Milk fiber


Camellia 32/1 C30R70

Camellia oil fiber is made from camellia oil extracted from camellia seed, mixed with carrier filber by modern technology andtechnology. amelia oil fiber has the functions of moisturizing skin, moisturizing skin care, wrinkling, cracking, anti-allergy antoxidation .


Papolis 32/1 C50R50

Soualane is a natural organic com pound extracted from the iver of deep-sea sharks, its chemicalstructure is similar to sebum soit is easily absorbed by the skin and can be used as a medicine to repair damaged skin, Soualane is made of fiber by moderntechnology, which has the characteristics of stable and low sensitivity, moisturizing and nice spreading permeability.


Milk fiber 32/1 C70R30

Milk protein fiber, also known as "milk silk" or "milk fiber", is based on cow milk as the basic raw material, the use of bioengineering technology to implant milk protein fiber into the synthetic fiber, both excellent performance. It is a new type of animal protein fiber which is different from natural fiber, regenerated fiber and synthetic fiber.


